Presenting One More Of Our Successful Collaborations – Italian Influencer ALBA For RevTag

Presenting One More Of Our Successful Collaborations – ALBA @albalinfanti For RevTag

ALBA Q) How did you get started as an Instagram influencer?
A) First of all, thank you very much for this interview! On Instagram you can find me as “albalinfanti”. Follow me!
I started in the simplest and most spontaneous way. In 2014, I opened my blog ( and the first proposals for collaborations and works from some companies arrived almost immediately. A few years ago, in fact, Instagram was a simple social network with which to edit photos without even publishing them. Over time, however, all this has reversed and now 90% of people work on Instagram. I started simply by advertising the blog, posting photos of my appearance and even my travels. The numbers grew and slowly the companies started to contact me.

Q) Was it hard for you to enter and find your space on Instagram as a brand new influencer?
A) Certainly. In my blog I wrote some posts about it, about how difficult it is to be able to emerge. A recent update: the new Instagram algorithm has lowered the coverage of posts a lot and therefore the contents are shown less to the community. Furthermore, in our sector (fashion / beauty) the market is quite saturated. There are, however, small tricks to follow to be able to emerge.

Q) Has becoming an influencer changed your lifestyle? How?
A) Surely, now I have a busy life. I continue to do what I have been already doing, and that is studying law, but it really takes a lot of skills and sacrifice to be able to reconcile the two things without putting aside social life. Being an “influencer” (even a micro) is really a job. Many people cannot conceive how many hours there are behind a simple photo. In fact, now I consider myself, without any doubt a girl who studies and works!

Q) Do you have any big goals as an influencer for 2021? Can you tell us a bit more about that?
A) Of course! The objectives do not lack. For good luck, I will not talk about it too much, but they are easy to understand. πŸ˜‰

Q) What is your biggest passion and what kind of photos you love to share on Instagram?
A) I love fashion at 360 degrees, so the photos I love to share, are the ones where I show my outfits. And they are also the photos that are appreciated the most by my community.

Q) What’s been the most exciting moment you have experienced since becoming an influencer?
A) There are so many things that make me grateful every day. Surely, when I am contacted by brands that I love and believe in, it is already a great satisfaction. And then, also to let those who follow me discover new valid products. Or again, I am very excited to receive messages from my followers in which they give me lots of nice compliments or thank me for letting them discover some products!

Q) How do you choose the brands you cooperate with?
A) I admit that at the beginning I was more inclined to accept any collaboration, because I was flattered that a company had thought of me! Of course, with the experience, I have understood how to select the requests I receive. Today, I accept proposals only from brands I think I can trust and for products in line with what I publish on my social channels.

Q) Are you happy with the collaboration with our agency RevTag?
A) Of course! The RevTag agency has always been very nice to me. It seems obvious, but it is not at all! And then, thanks to them, I discovered some fantastic products that I don’t stop recommending to my friends, too!

Q) What would you wish to all Revtag followers?
A) Simple: follow them! Because in this way, you will be able to discover a lot of very interesting news! πŸ˜‰

Q) What advice do you have to people who are trying to gain followers on Instagram?
A) Then I could say that it is enough to simply be yourself and that’s it! I’m sorry, but that’s not the case. Maybe it once was, but times (and algorithms) have changed. First tip: homogeneous feed, both in colors and contents! Second tip: spend a lot of time interacting with other users. Seeing is believing! πŸ˜‰

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