RevTag’s Interview With Italian Influencer Stefania

RevTag’s Interview With Stefania @bluebonfires


Q. How did you get started as an Instagram influencer?

  • I don’t feel like an influencer yet at all being still small at the number level, I started during the lockdown seeing that the content I was posting was having a response.

Q. Was it hard for you to enter and find your space on Instagram as a brand new influencer?

  • It wasn’t difficult at first but it is now because every time algorithms change so it’s hard to try to stay at the top all the time. With companies I have always had a fairly positive feedback and so with my followers.

Q. Has becoming an influencer changed your lifestyle? How?

  • No, it hasn’t changed my lifestyle, I have a pretty ordinary life.

Q. Do you have any big goals as an influencer for 2021? Can you tell us a bit more about that?

  • My goals for 2021 is to create my own community that is more close and more close and involved by my profile and my person, but above all I would like for 2021 to be able to defeat my shyness and show myself more in the videos and stories spoken

Q. What is your biggest passion and what kind of photos you love to share on Instagram? 

  • My biggest passion is photography, skincare and makeup, So I try to engage these two passions trying to create interesting content.

Q. What’s been the most exciting moment you have experienced since becoming an influencer?

  • That people contact me for advice on their purchases and collaborate with brands I’ve always been a fan of.

Q. How do you choose the brands you cooperate with?

  • I choose brands to collaborate with based on certain hamsters such as if the company interests me and especially if they use cruelity free products

Q. Are you happy with the collaboration with our agency RevTag?

  • Yes, very happy, I loved the product, they were all very kind to me towards

Q. What would you wish to all Revtag followers?

  • Wish all the best for this tragical 2020,And to always follow one’s instincts and dreams.

Q. What advice do you have to people who are trying to gain followers on Instagram?

  • Be yourself, talk about topics that are important to you.

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