RevTag’s Interview With Fonsi Baladon – Spanish Influencer With More Than 14K Followers On Instagram

RevTag’s Interview With Fonsi Baladon @fonsibaladon – Spanish Influencer With More Than 14K Followers On Instagram

Q. How would you describe yourself as a person?
A. Committed to everything I do.

Q. How long have you been an influencer and what made you get started?
A. 2 years. Love my work.

Q. Does being an influencer affect your personal life?
A. No, it doesn’t.

Q. What is your biggest passion and what kind of photos do you love to share on social media?
A. Sports and lifestyle, beauty, fashion and personal care.

Q. What is the hardest thing for you while working as an influencer?
A. Nothing,

Q. What’s been the most exciting moment you have experienced since becoming an influencer?
A. Every time my followers thank me for helping them.

Q. What are your future professional plans in social networks as an influencer?
A. Keep helping my followers lead an active and healthy lifestyle.

Q. What advice do you have to people who are trying to gain followers on social media?
A. Keep posting what they like.

Q. Are you happy to collaborate with RevTag?
A. Yes.

Q. What would you wish to all RevTag followers?
A. Sweepstakes, discounts, gifts.

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