Famous German Football Player Milad Mansoori – Interview For RevTag

Famous Football Player Milad Mansoori @milad.mansoori.5 – Interview For RevTag

Q. How would you describe yourself as a person?
A. I am passionate about my work. Because I love what I do, I have a steady source of motivation that drives me to do my best. In my last job, this passion led me to challenge myself daily and learn new skills that helped me to do better work. For example, I taught myself how to use Photoshop to improve the quality of our photos and graphics. I soon became the go-to person for any design needs.

Q. How long have you been an influencer and what made you get started?
A. I have been an influencer for about 2 years; actually I was a footballer and was like others on Instagram, then there were some trainers who recommended me to advertise on social media.

Q. Does being an influencer affect your life?
A. Of course being an influencer affects my personal life, so I should manage my time and use my leisure to be in a shooting or edit my posts or take time to think about how is going to be my next post. However I always try to take time for myself and my personal life. There are some times in my day that I do not even check on social media in order to protect my mental health.

Q. What is your biggest passion and what kind of photos do you love to share on social media?
A. I’m passionate about soccer. I love the process of training and helping footballers to improve their-self and taking care of themselves while playing. I’ve been playing soccer and posting about soccer games and my experiences with the ball. I’m very detail-oriented, and love the scientific aspects of soccer and soccer player’s health . However, I’m also a very social person, and use playing in a team as a chance to get together with friends and family. The pictures that I love to post are the ones which help players, especially young players to prove themselves and their professional skills as footballers.

Q. What is the hardest thing for you while working as an influencer?
A. Being an influencer looks like a permanent vacation, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. As someone with a few thousand followers on Instagram, I’ve dabbled in sponsored content and working with brands, and even on this small scale, it’s made me realise how much work goes into it. There are often strict hoops an influencer has to jump through. But influencers hold real power, and shouldn’t be underestimated. Most people hating on influencers are actually jealous. Visit Insider’s homepage for more stories. The most hard part of my work as an influencer is to decide which brand is really going to be useful for my followers and which not.

Q. What’s being the most exciting moment you have experienced since becoming an influencer?
A. I have worked with a brand in the mode world and my experience has been awesome. It is so cool to be given creative control to make content to someone’s style and help them to improve their work through working with an influencer.

Q. How do you choose the brands you cooperate with?
A. I would love to show a fresh perspective while working with brands. I love being given control to express myself in my way while working with different brands. My best way of collaborating is by playing soccer and having fun. I would love to work with Borussia Dortmund one day and make videos which teach young interested players how to play soccer correctly.

Q. What advice do you have to people who are trying to gain followers on social media?
A. My best tip to everyone who wants to be an influencer and gain followers: It’s important to make sure that you’re not draining yourself because this is the long game! It takes commitment. The more you can go into your Instagram strategy fresh-minded and feeling good, not like it’s a burden, the better ideas you’ll have and the more creative you’re going to feel.

Q. Are you happy to collaborate with RevTag?
A. Absolutely, it is one of my best experiences while working as an influencer on Instagram.

Q. What would you wish to all RevTag followers?
A. I would love to wish all RevTag followers the best times with their favourite ones, including RevTag. Thanks for your love, passion and support. Stay healthy and motivated and also as supportive as you are right now

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