Presenting RevTag’s Collaboration With Famous Italian Influencer @blackeyes_chic

Q. How would you describe yourself as a person?
A. I am a person who loves beautiful things, kind and sociable.
Sono una persona amante delle belle cose ,gentile e socievole.

Q. How long have you been an influencer and what made you get started?
A. I have been an influencer for at least 4 years.
Faccio L’influencer da almeno 4 anni.

Q. Does being an influencer affect your personal life?
A. No, it does not affect.
No,non influisce.

Q. What is your biggest passion and what kind of photos do you love to share on social media?
A. My biggest passion is fashion and I love sharing both personal photos and photos for personal care, health and beauty.
La mia più grande passione è la moda e amo condividere sia foto personali che foto per la cura della persona ,salute e bellezza.

Q. What is the hardest thing for you while working as an influencer?
A. The greatest difficulty is obviously that the world of the influencer is really wide, the “competition” is considerable, even when it does not have high-level content.
La difficoltà maggiore è quella ovviamente che il mondo dell’influencer è davvero ampio,la “concorrenza”è notevole,anche quando questa non ha contenuti di alto livello.

Q. What’s been the most exciting moment you have experienced since becoming an influencer?
A. When I started trying products that also excited my followers.
Quando ho iniziato a provare i prodotti che entusiasmavano anche i miei followers.

Q. How do you choose the brands you cooperate with?
A. I choose, “documenting” in the various pages to see which product I would really like to try and let my followers know.
Scelgo,”documentandomi “nelle varie pagine per vedere quale prodotto mi piacerebbe davvero provare e far conoscere ai miei followers.

Q. What are your future professional plans in social networks as an influencer?
A. Obviously I would like to be able to try and advertise new products and make it become a real job, with seriousness on my part and the companies.
Ovviamente vorrei poter provare e pubblicizzare sempre nuovi prodotti e farlo diventare un lavoro vero e proprio,con serietà da parte mia e delle aziende.

Q. What advice do you have to people who are trying to gain followers on social media?
A. I definitely recommend creating a community, not being cold with your followers or members of the social network, but always responding with kindness and friendship.
Consiglio sicuramente di creare una community,di non essere fredde con i propri followers o membri del social,bensì di rispondere sempre con gentilezza e amicizia.

Q. Are you happy to collaborate with RevTag?
A. Yes, I am happy, because I am trying and advertising really good and quality products, which really work!
Si sono felice,perché sto provando e pubblicizzando dei prodotti davvero validi e di qualità ,che funzionano davvero!

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