Famous Snowboarder From Switzerland – Seb Metenier – Interview For Revtag

Famous Snowboarder Seb Metenier @snowbast – Interview For Revtag

Q. How did you get started as an Instagram influencer?
A. I started to become an Instagram influencer through an Argentinian influencer TV program
I have been a snowboarder for a very long time and before social media I was reporting for snow magazine as a rider and then I became a filming director for ESPN in extreme sports.
Now I have my own production company “shibofilms » and I like to film a lot of things like mountain food action sports fashion music art …. I have no limits.

Q. Was it hard for you to enter and find your space on Instagram as a brand new influencer?
A. It took me a while to become influencer at first I was just doing it to have fun and stay in touch with my Argentinian friends because I live in Switzerland And then it starts to work so I post quite regularly and it’s a good way to show my work.

Q. Has becoming an influencer changed your lifestyle? How?
A. Being influential doesn’t really change my lifestyle. It’s more of a way to broadcast content that has changed for me in recent years. I’ve always been used to having relationships with brands and sponsors, but it’s true that now I have more control over what I want to show.

Q. Do you have any big goals as an influencer for 2021? Can you tell us a bit more about that?
A. My goal for 2021 is to be even closer to my folowers and to show my passions and the backstage of my profession. And I would like to travel to South America again, especially to Argentina.

Q. What is your biggest passion and what kind of photos you love to share on Instagram?
A. My two biggest passions are snowboarding and filming. I love to share a beautiful picture of a great day of powder snow.

Q. What’s been the most exciting moment you have experienced since becoming an influencer?
A. The most exciting time I’ve had since becoming an influencer is actually all the time! To be able to share my art and passions with others is great! And also to meet great other artists or athletes or just cool people.

Q. How do you choose the brands you cooperate with?
A. I choose the brands that correspond to my activities like @slashsnowboard or the brands I work with like @ verbier4vallées or @distilleriemorand I take this opportunity to thank them for their support and loyalty.

Q. Are you happy with the collaboration with our agency RevTag?
A. I am very happy with our colab with Ravtag. This brings me even more visibility and contacts with new brands, it’s really a good thing and it pushes me to go even further.

Q. What would you wish to all Revtag followers?
A. I would like to tell all Revtag followers to believe and follow their dreams

Q. What advice do you have to people who are trying to gain followers on Instagram?
A. For anyone who would like to become influencer what I would give as advice is to post cool content, be patient, and above all be persevering. we all have art in us but courage and perseverance and believing in yourself make the difference.

Visit Seb Metenier‘s Instagram profile – https://www.instagram.com/snowbast/

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