MariaLuisa’s Interview For RevTag


MariaLuisa’s @meryluis Interview For RevTag








1. How did you get started as an Instagram influencer?

  •  I started publishing my outfits ten years ago and after a while I started having my first collaborations!

2. Was it hard for you to enter and find your space on Instagram as a brand new influencer?

  •  At first it was not difficult, now there is much more competition!

3. Has becoming an influencer changed your lifestyle? How?

  •  Becoming an Influncer has made me more confident in myself and my potential in life!

4. Do you have any big goals as an influencer for 2021? Can you tell us a bit more about that?

  •  I would like to be able to share many photos like I did this year and I would also like to sponsor sectors not related to fashion, like the world of wine which I love!

5. What is your biggest passion and what kind of photos you love to share on Instagram?

  •  I love taking pictures of my outfits! The fashion sector will always remain my favorite!

6. What’s been the most exciting moment you have experienced since becoming an influencer?

  •  When I had my first collaboration, I will never forget it!

7. How do you choose the brands you cooperate with?

  •  I always check if the company’s products are valid!

8. Are you happy with the collaboration with our agency RevTag?

  •  I am very satisfied with the cooperation with your company!

9. What would you wish to all Revtag followers?

  •  I highly recommend your products!

10. What advice do you have to people who are trying to gain followers on Instagram?

  •  I would recommend for those who want to increase their visibility on the social network to publish often and dedicate time constantly to photos. It’s important to make quality and original content!

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