Step 16 – How many sponsored posts should I post monthly?

The golden rule you should follow is 70-30. In 10 posts, the sponsored ones should be 3. Violating this rule, you risk to become annoying and irritating to your followers. They usually don’t want to see ads, they want to see you. That’s why it is extremely important to be careful, because if you are […]

Step 14 – How To Create Content That Sells

When you start working with a brand, get to know it first. Find out what the company needs and why they have chosen you. Strive to be in constant correspondence with the brand or with the intermediary agency in order to make sure what the task is and how you can perform it as well […]

How to become “sponsored influencer”? – Step 13

After all, the goal is to become a sponsored influencer so that all these efforts can pay off. The benefits of being a sponsored influencer are hidden in the fact that you will have the opportunity to work on different campaigns with different brands and develop your account, as well as to attract a large […]

Step 12 – Should I use hashtags and should I tag the brands I work with?

Now when you have already established your composition, colors, and you have written an attractive bio, it’s time to put the question of whether we should tag. Of course, it’s about tagging brands in your ads. The positives of tagging brands when you post interesting advertising content is that, first of all, when people see […]

How to create quality content? – Step 11

Post often, but don’t be annoying; Keep your followers close; Be positive – negativity repels; Don’t be too laudatory; Be bold, get out of your comfort zone. Properly selected content generates a higher engagement rate for your account. Here are some tips for the types of content you can use in your posts: Post photos […]

Step 10 – How do I write descriptions under my photos?

No matter how beautiful a photo is, it is better to have a description under it. A few words or a quote no longer work if you want to be a real inspiration. Using description you can stand out with the quality content you offer to your followers. Tell the story behind the scenes, who […]

Which programs should I use to process my photos? – Step 9

The first thing we will pay attention to is the light. The best light to take a good photo on Instagram is called “golden hour”. These are the last hours of sunshine, when the rays are no longer too strong, but rather gently touch the skin, instead of illuminating it. This interval between day and […]

Step 8 – How to take pictures for Instagram?

  Step 8 – How to take pictures for Instagram?   This is one of the questions that does not have an accurate and “one hundred percent” answer. Today’s phones have cameras that can take brilliant photos – absolutely enough for the needs of an influencer. However, a professionally taken photo by a photographer, somewhere […]

Frequently Asked Questions About Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing

  Frequently Asked Questions About Influencer Marketing   If you have not heard about Influencer Marketing, well, you have missed a lot! The concept is absolutely essential to modern-day brand marketing. Not only because it increases sales, creates awareness for your brand, but it is an interesting and different way to advertise your brand, product […]

Should I make my profile a business one? – Step 7

my profile

  Should I make my profile a business one? – Step 7   It’s mandatory! The business option of Instagram accounts allows you to view your statistics – to see when your followers are active, what age groups they are in, where they are, the ratio of men to women. With the business profile option, […]

Influencer Marketing Impact On Modern Business

Modern Business

  Influencer Marketing Impact On Modern Business   The Internet’s horizon is endless, the abundance of possibilities is colossal. It is fair to say that more and more big brands are seeing the potential of Internet based advertising. By looking for new ways to reach a larger audience and create awareness for their brand, product […]

Step 6 – What bio to write?

Step 6 – What bio to write?   Another challenge came – your bio on Instagram. With a limited number of characters you need to enter the most important info about you. It is unnecessary to add information to the bio that does not really reveal your nature and interests. Your bio should contain a […]